Y. Cimtay and G. N. Yilmaz, "Refining Transmission Map and Air Light for Efficient Single Image Dehazing," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 175081-175090, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3461318. (SCI-Expanded, Q2)
Çimtay, Y. Estimating Plant Nitrogen by Developing an Accurate Correlation between VNIR-Only Vegetation Indexes and the Normalized Difference Nitrogen Index. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 3898. (SCI-Expanded, Q1)
Y. Cimtay, B. Özbay, G. Yilmaz and E. Bozdemir, "A New Vegetation Index in Short-Wave Infrared Region of Electromagnetic Spectrum," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 148535-148545, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3124453. (SCI-Expanded, Q2)
Cimtay, Y. Smart and real-time image dehazing on mobile devices. J Real-Time Image Proc (2021). (SCI-Expanded, Q3)
Cimtay Y., Ekmekcioglu E., Ozhan S., Cross-Subject Multimodal Emotion Recognition based on Hybrid Fusion, IEEE Access, 2020, (SCI-Expanded, Q2)
Cimtay Y., Ekmekcioglu E., Investigating the use of pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network on Cross-Subject and Cross-Dataset EEG Emotion Recognition, MDPI Journal of Sensors, 2020 (SCI-Expanded, Q2)
Cimtay, Yucel; Gokhan Ilk, Hakki. (2018). A novel bilinear unmixing approach for reconsideration of subpixel classification of land cover. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 152, 2018, Pages 126-140, ISSN 0168-1699 (SCI-Expanded, Q1)
Cimtay, Yucel; Gokhan Ilk, Hakki. (2017). A Novel Derivative-Based Classification Method for Hyperspectral Data Processing. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 15. 10.15598/aeee.v15i4.2381. (Emerging SCI)
Cimtay, Y . (2020). Towards Real-Time image dehazing on Android operating system. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A2-A3 Physical Sciences and Engineering , 62 (2) , 177-188. (TR-Index)
Cımtay, Y. , Alkan, B. & Demirel, B. (2021). Fingerprint Pattern Classification by Using Various Pre-Trained Deep Neural Networks . EJOSAT Special Issue 2021 (ARACONF), 258-261. (TR-Index)
G. Nur Yılmaz and Y. Çimtay , "Depth Perception Assessment of a 3D Video Based on Spatial Resolution", Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-7, Jun. 2022
G. Nur Yılmaz and Y. Çimtay , "Edge Detection for 3 Dimensional Video Quality Assessment", Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 50-53, Jun. 2023
Cimtay, Y. & Yılmaz, G. N. (2021). Gender Classification from Eye Images by Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks . The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics , 14 , 39-44. DOI: 10.55549/epstem.1050171
Bilge Yazıcı, Yucel Cimtay, Bedrettin Cetinkaya, A New Hyperspectral Multi-Level Synthetic Hazy Image Dataset for Benchmark of Dehazing Methods, IEEE Whispers 2023, Athens, Greece.
ÇETİNKAYA Bedrettin, ÇİMTAY Yücel, Günay Fatma Nazlı, NUR YILMAZ Gökçe, A New Multi-Level Hazy Image and Video Dataset for Benchmark of Dehazing Methods, 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Capsule Networks (ICIPCN), Aug. 10, Bangkok, Thailand.
TAN Yamaç, ULU Elif Nehir, ÇİMTAY Yücel, NUR YILMAZ Gökçe, "A Novel Traffic Video Dataset for Vehicle Tracking," ICENTE22 , Konya, Turkey, pp.1-5, 2022
Gokce Nur Yilmaz and Yucel Cimtay, “3D Video QoE Based Adaptation Framework for Future Communication Networks,” International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems, 1-2 July 2022, India.
Yucel Cimtay and Gokce Nur Yilmaz, “An Error Dependent Enhancement Method for Images Captured in Dense Fog,” International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems, 1-2 July 2022, India.
G. N. Yilmaz, Y. Cimtay and K. Öztoprak, "Assessment of a New Adaptation Approach for Scalable 3D Video," 2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Safranbolu, Turkey, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SIU55565.2022.9864958
Çimtay Y.,Yılmaz G.N., Dehazing Based Lowlight Image Enhancement on Android Operating System. VI. Uluslararası Bilimsel ve mesleki Çalısmalar Kongresi, 23 -26 December 2021, pp.17
Yucel Cimtay and Gokce Nur Yilmaz, “Investing the Use of Pretrained CNNs for the Problem of Gender Classification From Eye Images,” International Conference on Technology (IConTech) November 04-07, 2021 - Antalya, Turkey.
Gökçe Nur Yılmaz, Yücel Çimtay, 3D VIDEO QUALITY ASSESSMENT BASED ON PSNR IMPROVEMENT, VII. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress ––Ted University, Computer Engineering Department, Turkey
Cimtay, Yucel; (2021), Music Makam Recognition by Using Convolutional Neural Networks, International Conference on Computing and Machine Intelligence.
Cimtay, Yucel; Gokhan Ilk, Hakki. (2020). Capture Date Estimation of Historical Images by Using Deep Learning, International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE), 2020.
Cimtay, Yucel; Gokhan Ilk, Hakki. (2017). A Novel Derivative-Based Classification Method for Hyperspectral Data Processing, 17th International Conference Knowledge in Telecommunication Technologies and Optics (KTTO). Malenovice, Czech Republic.
Y. Çi̇mtay and E. Seke, "Frame rate up-conversion with nonlinear temporal interpolation," 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Chongqing, 2012, pp. 206-210. doi: 10.1109/CISP.2012.6469856.
Cimtay, Y., Nur Yilmaz, G. (2023). An Error Dependent Enhancement Method for Images Captured in Dense Fog. In: Joby, P.P., Balas, V.E., Palanisamy, R. (eds) IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 528. Springer, Singapore.
Yilmaz, G.N., Cimtay, Y. (2023). 3D Video QoE Based Adaptation Framework for Future Communication Networks. In: Joby, P.P., Balas, V.E., Palanisamy, R. (eds) IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 528. Springer, Singapore.
Çimtay, Y., Yilmaz, G.N. (2022). Low Light Image Enhancement on Mobile Devices by Using Dehazing. In: Seyman, M.N. (eds) Electrical and Computer Engineering. ICECENG 2022. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 436. Springer, Cham.
Y. Çımtay, Y. E. Esın and H. G. İlk, "A new derivative-based approach for hyperspectral classification," 2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Antalya, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/SIU.2017.7960387
B. Özbay, Y. Çimtay and F. Kandaz, "Calculation of vegetation index for short wave infrared hyperspectral images," 2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Antalya, 2017, pp. 1-3. doi: 10.1109/SIU.2017.7960596
I. Karakaya and Y. Çimtay, "The effect of bant selection to success of artificial neural network in hyperspectral classification," 2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Antalya, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/SIU.2017.796055
Y. Çi̇mtay and E. Seke, "Temporal video interpolation with nonlinear motion estimation," 2012 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Mugla, 2012, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/SIU.2012.6204453
Y. Çi̇mtay and E. Seke, “Adaptive Bilateral Motion Compensated Temporal Video Interpolation”, Bilgisayar ve Elektronik Sempozyumu. 2011, Elazig.